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Purpose :
A shared awakening to the need to get involved in the world around us everyday. To become agents to assist in advancing Kingdom values and commonsense throughout our circles of influence, then the nations abroad.
Mission:To awaken, empower, enlighten & encourage ladies to become responsible matriarchs and change agents that can foster and be the change in our communities. Awaken ladies who will become a spark that ignites positive change in their circles of influence. Inspiring positive change in their kith of kin as well as their communities locally and radiating outward exponentially. We also seek to change the socioeconomic factors that hinder women providing them with tools to make changes in their life. We will focus in the areas of
· Personal growth
· Communication
· Leadership
TherapeuticAnimal Services
Etc, as Adonaiguides by the Ruach Ha Kodesh(Holy Spirit)
Thru our online academy participants willshare their gifts & talents. Our participants as enrollees will enroll in our digital platform Queen Esther's Academy to learn. The Academy will offer activities, seminars, courses and workshops that will focus on teaching skills and values. The Academy is based on the Biblical book of Esther who was a Queen that saved her people from extinction. To remind every woman that she was placed here and now for a reason. We are the leaders, Matriarchs, and Change Agents that canfoster and be the change in our communities.
Then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.**2nd Chron 7:14**
-The Entire Book of Esther **Chapter's 1 all through to the end of Chapter 10** (Story Line of the Book of Queen Esther) “Pay attention!” [says Yeshua,] “I am coming soon, and my rewards are with me to give to each person according to what he has done. 13 I am the ‘A’ and the ‘Z,’ the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. ”14 How blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they have the right to eat from the Tree of Life and go through the gates into the city! **Rev 22:12-14**
But Adonai said to Sh’mu’el, “Don’t pay attention to how he looks or how tall he is, because I have rejected him. Adonai doesn’t see the way humans see — humans look at the outward appearance, but Adonai looks at the heart.” **1st Sam 16:7**
10 א Who can find a capable wife? Her value is far beyond that of pearls.ב 11 Her husband trusts her from his heart, and she will prove a great asset to him.ג 12 She works to bring him good, not harm, all the days of her life. ד 13 She procures a supply of wool and flax and works with willing hands. 14 ה She is like those merchant vessels, bringing her food from far away. 15 I It’s still dark when she rises to give food to her household and orders to the young women serving her. 16 ז She considers a field, then buys it, and from her earnings she plants a vineyard. ח 17 She gathers her strength around her and throws herself into her work. ט 18 She sees that her business affairs go well; her lamp stays lit at night.י 19 She puts her hands to the staff with the flax; her fingers hold the spinning rod. כ 20 She reaches out to embrace the poor and opens her arms to the needy.ל 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; since all of them are doubly clothed.מ 22 She makes her own quilts; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.נ 23 Her husband is known at the city gates when he sits with the leaders of the land.ס 24 She makes linen garments and sells them; she supplies the merchants with sashes.ע 25 Clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come. פ 26 When she opens her mouth, she speaks wisely; on her tongue is loving instruction. צ 27 She watches how things go in her house, not eating the bread of idleness. ק 28 Her children arise; they make her happy; her husband too, as he praises her: ר 29 “Many women have done wonderful things, but you surpass them all!” ש 30 Charm can lie, beauty can vanish, but a woman who fears Adonai should be praised. ת 31 Give her a share in what she produces; let her works speak her praises at the city gates.**Proverbs 31:10-31**
A shared awakening to the need to get involved in the world around us everyday. To become agents to assist in advancing Kingdom values and commonsense throughout our circles of influence, then the nations abroad.
Mission:To awaken, empower, enlighten & encourage ladies to become responsible matriarchs and change agents that can foster and be the change in our communities. Awaken ladies who will become a spark that ignites positive change in their circles of influence. Inspiring positive change in their kith of kin as well as their communities locally and radiating outward exponentially. We also seek to change the socioeconomic factors that hinder women providing them with tools to make changes in their life. We will focus in the areas of
· Personal growth
· Communication
· Leadership
TherapeuticAnimal Services
Etc, as Adonaiguides by the Ruach Ha Kodesh(Holy Spirit)
Thru our online academy participants willshare their gifts & talents. Our participants as enrollees will enroll in our digital platform Queen Esther's Academy to learn. The Academy will offer activities, seminars, courses and workshops that will focus on teaching skills and values. The Academy is based on the Biblical book of Esther who was a Queen that saved her people from extinction. To remind every woman that she was placed here and now for a reason. We are the leaders, Matriarchs, and Change Agents that canfoster and be the change in our communities.
Then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.**2nd Chron 7:14**
-The Entire Book of Esther **Chapter's 1 all through to the end of Chapter 10** (Story Line of the Book of Queen Esther) “Pay attention!” [says Yeshua,] “I am coming soon, and my rewards are with me to give to each person according to what he has done. 13 I am the ‘A’ and the ‘Z,’ the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. ”14 How blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they have the right to eat from the Tree of Life and go through the gates into the city! **Rev 22:12-14**
But Adonai said to Sh’mu’el, “Don’t pay attention to how he looks or how tall he is, because I have rejected him. Adonai doesn’t see the way humans see — humans look at the outward appearance, but Adonai looks at the heart.” **1st Sam 16:7**
10 א Who can find a capable wife? Her value is far beyond that of pearls.ב 11 Her husband trusts her from his heart, and she will prove a great asset to him.ג 12 She works to bring him good, not harm, all the days of her life. ד 13 She procures a supply of wool and flax and works with willing hands. 14 ה She is like those merchant vessels, bringing her food from far away. 15 I It’s still dark when she rises to give food to her household and orders to the young women serving her. 16 ז She considers a field, then buys it, and from her earnings she plants a vineyard. ח 17 She gathers her strength around her and throws herself into her work. ט 18 She sees that her business affairs go well; her lamp stays lit at night.י 19 She puts her hands to the staff with the flax; her fingers hold the spinning rod. כ 20 She reaches out to embrace the poor and opens her arms to the needy.ל 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; since all of them are doubly clothed.מ 22 She makes her own quilts; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.נ 23 Her husband is known at the city gates when he sits with the leaders of the land.ס 24 She makes linen garments and sells them; she supplies the merchants with sashes.ע 25 Clothed with strength and dignity, she can laugh at the days to come. פ 26 When she opens her mouth, she speaks wisely; on her tongue is loving instruction. צ 27 She watches how things go in her house, not eating the bread of idleness. ק 28 Her children arise; they make her happy; her husband too, as he praises her: ר 29 “Many women have done wonderful things, but you surpass them all!” ש 30 Charm can lie, beauty can vanish, but a woman who fears Adonai should be praised. ת 31 Give her a share in what she produces; let her works speak her praises at the city gates.**Proverbs 31:10-31**
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